Dressing to Impress: What to wear to a blogger conference

I’m a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl. From time to time the shirt is a cute solid colored top and other days when I’m working at home in my studio/office like today, it’s a vintage Mickey Mouse Club or baseball tee. I have a comfy style that I love and fits me. When the occasion calls for it, I love to get dressed up. Blog conferences are a time to let people see the person that is behind the blog, and while my Mickey tees are cute, they are not professional. When you are at a conference you have to remember that you are there to learn, but you are also there to expand, meet with brands and other bloggers and work on building potential relationships. This definitely calls for the professional you.

Nothing makes me feel more feminine than wearing a dress. You may have seen them around the web and they are definitely making a name for themselves. Shabbyapple.com has built an amazing line of women’s clothing for any style. I personally am drawn to the classic styles of these two dresses. Something perfect for daytime hours or classroom or lectures, and a little more soft and lace to dress up for evening events with sponsors.

You are going to be doing a lot of moving around throughout the day, so you want to be comfortable. Wear shoes that work with your outfit and won’t leaving you waiting for the moment you can slip them off. Layers are always a good plan as large rooms with hundreds of people can either be too warm, or may have an over compensating air conditioner.

What is your everyday style? What do you change when you have to put on your professional look?